Tech ingenuity fuels triumph: A prize-winning app developed! Crafted using Flutter.

We're responsible for:

Digital Product Design Workshop

Flutter Multi Platform App Development

Web Development

App Development


higher user return rate vs. web


higher conversion rate vs. web


of all orders via the mobile app

How NTFY released an award-winning app


Overcoming Scalability and Deployment Challenges
When Nice To Fit You (NTFY) first approached us, they were facing significant scalability and deployment obstacles due to their previous vendor. Despite NTFY's prominent standing in the diet catering sector, the majority of user interactions occurred through their website for placing orders. Although they had a mobile app, its functionality was limited, serving merely as a companion to their website.


Embracing Flutter for Cross-Platform Development
After careful deliberation, we made the bold decision to revamp the entire app using Flutter. This strategic choice was driven by Flutter's proficiency in cross-platform solutions, allowing simultaneous app deployment on both iOS and Android platforms. This move facilitated seamless integration of new features, ensuring uniform user experiences across different platforms and positioning NTFY for continuous expansion.


Unlocking Up to 40% Cost Savings, Increased Profits, and Industry Recognition

NTFY made a groundbreaking move by consolidating its services into a single, multi-platform Flutter app. This strategic transition not only led to significant cost reductions in app maintenance and development, but also facilitated a timely and cost-efficient launch. Moreover, the release of the updated app version sparked an extraordinary surge in user engagement.

The scope of the project

Product Design Workshop

We initiated our collaboration with an intensive workshop alongside the NTFY team. With experts from both teams, we delved deep into the project, pinpointing the essential components of the application and outlining desired enhancements. Additionally, we meticulously scheduled the rollout of new functionalities.

App Redesign

Our collaboration commenced with a comprehensive workshop alongside the NTFY team. With experts from both sides, we delved into the project, identifying the application's core elements and outlining desired enhancements. Additionally, we meticulously planned the introduction of new functionalities.

Mobile Flutter App

Our collaboration began with a comprehensive workshop involving the NTFY team and experts from both sides. Together, we delved into the project, identifying the core elements of the application and discussing desired improvements. Additionally, we meticulously planned the rollout of new functionalities.


Our collaboration commenced with a comprehensive workshop involving the NTFY team and experts from both sides. Together, we delved into the project, identifying the core elements of the application and discussing desired improvements. Additionally, we meticulously planned the timing for introducing new functionalities.

Key Features

Hire It

We have built an app for Android and iOS with one codebase, using the Flutter framework and Dart language. We’ve also chosen to use the BLoC architecture pattern.

To automate marketing efforts, the app integrates with, enabling the marketing team to send personalized push notifications, provide valuable information, and guide users to ongoing promotions.

To better understand user behavior and align business and marketing strategies, we use Firebase Analytics, which provides key insights for informed decision-making.










Continuous Integration





Easy Localization